News & Events
NOMAD at Nuclear Days 2018 & NUGENIA Annual Forum
In the frame of the second edition of the Nuclear Days and the seventh edition of the NUGENIA Forum in Prague in April 2018, coordinator Madalina Rabung has been invited to inform about the European research project NOMAD. She presented the project in the technical session “Reactor performance and s...
NOMAD Presentation at Kick-off Meeting of Cluster Project ADVISE
NOMAD coordinator Madalina Rabung from Fraunhofer Institute IZFP was pleased to accept the invitation of the ADVISE consortium to take part in its project kick-off meeting at EDF, Moret-sur-Loing, France from October 4-5, 2017. On the second meeting day, she introduced the participants to the NOMAD...
Feature on German TV – Short Interview with NOMAD Coordinator
Following the project launch, the German regional TV broadcaster Saarländischer Rundfunk (SR) has produced a short feature on the approach and aims of the NOMAD project including an interview with ccordinator Dr Madalina Rabung. The interview is in German and part of a daily news programme which can...
European Research Project NOMAD Increases Nuclear Power Plant Safety
Multinational consortium receives funding from the European Commission under the current EURATOM research and training programme 2014-2018.