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The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (FhG) undertakes applied research of direct utility to private and public enterprises and of wide benefit for society. The Fraunhofer Institute for Nondestructive Testing (Fraunhofer IZFP) was founded in 1972 under the lead of FhG with the mission “Research and Development for NDT for Nuclear Safety”, and dealt with more than 50 projects on that topic. Today, Fraunhofer IZFP focuses its activities on nondestructive sensing and data processing around a product life cycle by offering core expertise and technologies to the automotive industry, conventional, renewable and nuclear energy, oil and gas supply, transportation, aerospace, civil engineering and many others. Fraunhofer IZFP uses its competences in

  • intelligent data acquisition by using complex, nondestructive sensor systems,
  • generation of information (Smart Materials Information) by means of intelligent data analytics,
  • and optimization of process models over the entire product life cycle.

Fraunhofer IZFP strives for optimized safety, efficiency and quality of industrial products. For this purpose it is engaged in the paradigm shift from conventional nondestructive inspection towards a high degree of digitization, monitoring and process control. To determine and to influence properties and condition variables in all segments of the product life cycle, scientists and engineers at IZFP develop cognitive, hybrid sensors, autoadaptive sensor technologies, predictive system solutions, and actuator systems. As a part of its methodical and technological expertise Fraunhofer IZFP provides a large variety of competences to generate sensor-based data, e.g. methods based on:

  • Electromagnetics (terahertz waves, microwaves, micromagnetics, eddy current, flux leakage, nuclear magnetic resonance)
  • Ultrasound (Phased Array, Sampling Phased Array, EMAT, airborne ultrasound, piezoelectrics)
  • Acoustic emission and acoustic resonance analysis
  • Thermography (inductive thermography, etc.)
  • Optics (laser, interferometry)
  • X-Ray (computed tomographie / laminography).


  • Photo of Madalina Rabung
    Madalina Rabung
    +49 681 9302 3882
  • Photo of Melanie Kopp
    Melanie Kopp
    +49 681 9302 3841
FhG-IZFP logo
Campus E3.1
66123 Saarbrücken