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The Centre for Energy Research (EK) was established in January 2012 on the basis of two former independent institutions, the Institute of Isotopes (IKI) and the KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute (AEKI). The Centre is part of the research network of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In 2015 Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science also joined to Centre for Energy Research.

The mission of Institute of Atomic Energy Research is to perform research and development in the field of nuclear science and technology for facilitating the adoption and the safe use of nuclear technology in Hungary, to participate in international research efforts aiming at the establishing a new generation of nuclear power plants and closing the fuel cycle, to study the interaction of radiation (including neutrons, gamma-rays and electrons) with matter, and to do isotope and nuclear chemistry, chemical analysis by nuclear methods, radiation protection and nuclear security.

The Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science of EK is active in multidisciplinary research on complex functional materials and nanometer-scale structures targeting the exploration of physical, chemical and biological principles, and their exploitation in integrated micro- and nanosystems. The focus is on multidisciplinary research, whereas the possibilities of analytics, characterization and system integration can be exploited by effective cooperation. The Institute has competence in a wide range of services including: material testing, evaluating new inspection procedures and executing on-site inspection and tests. Laboratory of the institute, which profile is nondestructive material characterization, is involved in developing techniques and building devices for industrial inspection and helping to assure quality and safety standards.

EK operates the 10 MW Budapest Research Reactor, providing the scientific community of Europe (see Budapest Neutron Centre for details) with research possibility for neutron physics and applications. EK is the "Main Consultant" of the NPP Paks (Hungarian Utility producing 40% of the national electricity) since 1990. It means that the institute constantly supports the utility and industrial connection and experience using research results for solving industrial problems.


  • Photo of Ildikó Szenthe
    Ildikó Szenthe
    +36 1 392 2222/1105
  • Antal Gasparics
    +36 1 392 2222/3369
EK logo
Konkoly Thege Miklos u. 29-33
1121 Budapest